Q. 1. The rectangles given below have some hints for different
flows of communication. Read these clues carefully and identify the type of the
flow and then fill in their respective arrows. (10)
Follow the link given above and observe the
interview carefully. Try to grasp the whole conversation without looking at the
questions given below. Note down all important information. Now answer the
following questions. If you face any difficulty listen to the conversation
a) Keeping in view
the aspect of proximity (Use of Space), give an estimate about the space
between the host and the guest in the video clip.
Ans: The space between the host and guest in the video is
approximately of two or three feet.
b) Who is being
criticized by the guest?
Ans: Donald Trumps is being criticized by the guest.
c) Name any two
things for which he is being criticized?
Ans: 1: Trump need to learn, how to run a Nation.
2: By building buildings not means, running an economy.
d) Which two walls
have been mentioned by the guest?
Ans: 1: The Chinese wall.
2: The Berlin wall.
e) Give any two
characteristics for which the women are being appreciated.
Ans: Passion, Love, Compassion.