CS609 System Programming Assignments No.04 Solution and Discussion Fall 2013 of Virtual University (VU) Due Date: February 10, 2014
Assignment No. 04
Semester: Fall 2013
System Programming-CS609
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 10/Feb/2014
Graded Assignment
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
You will submit your assignment before or on due date on VU-LMS.
Assignment should be completed by your own efforts it should not be copied from internet, handouts or books.
You should submit your .doc File via assignment interface at VU-LMS.
Assignment sent via Email will not be replied and accepted in any case.
If the submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt, it will not be marked.
You will submit solution only in document (.doc or .docx) File.
To understand the Disk File Structures and real problems.
For any query about the assignment, contact at cs609@vu.edu.pk
Assignment Questions
A request before solving it:
Dear Student,
This is very easy assignment which requires only the implementation of a given scenario. This implementation will build your understanding of real mode and protected mode limitations more clearly. So, do not paste yoursolution from any kind of source. Just do and describe the solution in steps if possible. Otherwise describes the reasons of No answer shortly.
Question: Marks 20
Ahwas installed 64 bit operating system on his PC. Unfortunately, his system crashed and could not boot even in the safe mode. He has two equal partitions of his 120 GB hard drive. He has an important data on hissecondary partition. He has a DOS bootable USB drive with FAT16 structure. Is it possible for Ahwas to access his important DATA from hard drive and copy to USB drive through available DOS bootable drive? Give logical reason for your answer.
Note: Google the different possibilities for the given scenario assuming that it happen with you. Implement all founded possibilities on your system then suggest a feasible solution for Ahwas within steps. You also can use any other utility within the scenario limitations.
ð Contact through Skype or email for any other query.
Yes, Is it possible for Ahwas to access his important DATA from hard drive and copy to USB drive through available DOS bootable drive . Because when any kind of virus or windows problem, you can boot from boot able cd and then perform ms dos commands to copy your data into your usb drive. just like
c:\> copy myfile.dba f:\myfiles
the above dos command copy the myfile.dba into f: drive's folder myfile
virtual university
CS609 System Programming Assignments No.04 Solution and Discussion Fall 2013 of Virtual University (VU) Due Date: February 10, 2014