Earn in Dollars


Assignment 1: (Fall 2015)
Due Date: 24/11/2015
DON’T MISS THESE Important instructions:
To solve this assignment, you should have good command over first 10 lectures.
Upload assignments (Microsoft word) properly through LMS, (No Assignment will be accepted through email).
Write your ID on the top of your solution file.
All students are directed to use the font and style of text as is used in this document.
Don’t use colorful back grounds in your solution files.
Use Math Type or Equation Editor etc for mathematical symbols.
Write to the point and avoid from unnecessary explanation. Don’t copy/paste from internet or any other source.
This is not a group assignment, it is an individual assignment so be careful and avoid copying others’ work. If some assignment is found to be copy of some other, both will be awarded zero marks. It also suggests you to keep your assignment safe from others. No excuse will be accepted by anyone if found to be copying or letting others copy.
Don’t wait for the last date to submit your assignment.
Question # 1
An anchor person reports that a new power plant inaugurated by Prime Minister will produce “60 megawatts per hour.” What’s wrong with this statement? Marks = 4
Question # 2
A speeding car of terrorist overtakes a stationary Quick Response Force (QRF) car, which then heads after the speeder. The QRF car starts with zero velocity and is going at twice the car’s velocity when it catches up to the car. So at some intermediate instant the QRF car must be going at the same velocity as the speeding car. When is that instant? Marks 3+3 = 6
Halfway between the times when the two cars coincide, 
Closer to the time when the speeder passes the stationary police car, or 
Closer to the time when the police car catches the speeder?
Note: Select the best choice given above (a to c) according to your best of knowledge, and also write the reason of your selected choice as well.

Question # 3

The 9-ball travelling to the right as shown above strikes the 13-ball, which is of equal mass and at rest. If this is an elastic collision, which statement below is true? Marks 3+4 = 7
All of the 9-ball’s energy and momentum are transferred to the 13-ball.
All of the 9-ball’s energy and some of its momentum are transferred to the 13-ball.
Some of the 9-ball’s energy and all of its momentum are transferred to the 13-ball.
In this collision, momentum is not conserved.
In this collision energy, is not conserved.
Note: Select the best choice given above (a to e) according to your best of knowledge, and also write the reason of your selected choice as well.
Question # 4
The altitude of a rocket in the first half-minute of its ascent is given by x = ct2 where the constant c is 3m/s2 .Find a general expression for the rocket’s velocity as a function of time and from it the instantaneous velocity at t = 20s. Also find an expression for the average velocity, and compare your two velocity expressions. Marks = 8