Earn in Dollars


Episode 307-
Nur-Banu asks Hurrem,that the girl named Valeria chosen to go to Manisa, so she should not to go with them, but to stay in the palace & Hurrem agrees with her..
Atmaja meets in the market a hooded man and informs him that from now on, he only serves Shehzade Mustafa and the hooded man is satisfied with the information.
In the morning, Rustem
receives a jar with the head of shehzade Mustafa's captive, which means that shehzade Mustafa
knows about his guilt....
In the morning ,Hurrem wakes up, & finds on her bed a jewelery box.
She smiles satisfied for the gift but when she opens it, she gets fearful to sees a scorpion inside... :-0
At night Hurrem awakes as she feels difficulty in breathing...
She gets out in the balcony,
where she faints in Fahryia’s hands..
Fatma sultan is on her way to istanbul with her niece Hurijahan..
On way, they get a little hungry, so fatma sultan sees a man with apples, she stops her carriage & grabs an apple from his basket, a she asks him for more ,she makes a funny act infront of him by making her dress like a basket & to fill apples in it, & she leaves giving him many coins with a smile..
In the morning ,Fahryia asks the doctor who examined
Hurrem sultan, to keep her mouth shut so that no one in the palace to find out that
Hurrem Sultan is ill..
Gulfem notes that harem girls are in a strange mood and Afifa khatun
tells her that Hurrem Sultan doesn’t feel well.
The doctor informs them that it is nothing serious, it is probably caused by something she ate, suddenly an Agha startles
them by informing them that Fatma Sultan has just arrived at the palace.. Sumbul agha tells Hurrem that they got frightened about her health and Hurrem answers him
that no herb can cure her.. She wonders how quickly have the years passed, as it
seems to her like yesterday when she gave birth to her children.
They tell her that
she has to calm down and she replies that this isn’t possible as long as her room
isn’t safe and she shows them the box in which was the scorpio..
Sumbul says that
they don’t really know how this happened and that Aziz Agha is dead.
His head was sent to Rustem.
When Hurrem hears that Sultan is informed about her
illness, she asks to get dressed as she does not want him to see her in such a condition.
In the garden, Fatma Sultan with a smiling face, sees Gulfem’s face rather surprised, asks
her if she doesn’t feel happy about her arrival and Gulfem answers that they
were expecting her next week.
Fatma shows them the young girl who was with her
and as Gulfem sees her, she recognizes in her face, her mother,Khazeena sultan.. Suleyman very worried enters Hurrem’s room and asks why he wasn’t informed during the
night that she wasn’t feeling well.
Hurrem answers him that now that she saw him
everything passed, he is her cure.
Suleyman tells her that he didn't sleep either all
night because he saw a nightmare.
Mihrimah asks Rustem what is going on and he
leaves the palace so early and returns late at night. Rustem answers that he is
worried because someone has sent him the head of Aziz Agha.
He tells Mihrimah that is shehzade Mustafa the one who has done it, as he hates him ,and wants to show him
that he is against him.
He tells her that he fears neither dragon nor anyone as long as he has her beside him!!
Suleyman tells Hurrem that in his nightmare he saw
Mustafa giving him a bloody arrow and Hurrem tries to calm him down.
In their room enters Fatma Sultan and they feel surprised.
The moment she introduces
the young beautiful girl she has with her, saying that she is khazeena’s & Ibrahim's daughter 'Hurijahan Sultan', & bad
memories wakes up in the mind of Suleyman, as he remembers the death of
Ibrahim and khazeena. Abdullah (Atmaja) boards on khizar raees's ship, carrying shehzade Mustafa's
Khizar raees's daughter, Mihrunnisa reads the letter after her father's command and tells her father
that Shehzade writes that he met Abdullah (Atmaja) and gave him a letter sending by him
(by khizar raees).
Khizar raees who doesn't know Abdullah (Atmaja), asks him who he is
Mustafa tells Yahya that he expects news from khizar raees, because he no
longeer can't trust anyone.
Fatma sultan tells that she has taken divorce from her husband.
Hurijihan tells Hurrem that she remembers her (hurrem) and she is
still beautiful.
Fatma asks not to prepare another room for Hurijahan, wishing her to be close to khazeena sultan's old room. Abdullah (Atmaja) explains to khizar raees that he gave a fake letter to shehzade Mustafa, because it was the only way to get into the palace to protect him...that if he didn't tell the truth, he would not come to appear in front of him. He also tells him he can learn about him from Ebis Pasha.
Fatma meets jahangir & Beyazit & asks him to excuse her because she wan't able to attend the ceremony and when
she meets Beyazit, says that she is proud to meet such a brave Prince.
Rustem visits the Judge Fenerizade accusing him for false administration.
The Judge says
he was always serving the Dynasty faithfully and that is the reason he was
promoted in the hierarchy, not with the help of women. Rustem gets angry by
hearing this phrase.
Hurrem tells Fahriya and Sumbul that she is bothered with Fatma sultan's arrival and that if she creates the same problems as her sisters, she will
kick her too.
Fatma Sultan is in hamam and tells to her maid that, after seeing Hurrem she is sure that their "work" will be very easy.... ;D
Watch Mera Sultan Episode 307 with english summary
Mera Sultan Episode 307 - Part 1 by paktvdaily
Mera Sultan Episode 307 - Part 2 by paktvdaily
Mera Sultan Episode 307 - Part 3 by paktvdaily