Earn in Dollars


Episode 275-
As mihrimah, jahangir & bali bey are approaching
to Adrianople they meet Rustem, who denies that he had visited Hurrem Sultan.
Bali bey smiles, as he realizes that he absolutely is lying. When Rustem says that he has a
farm nearby, Mihrimah ironically wonders, how can he be there while he should
be at Diyarbakir. Suleyman asks Shah if khazeena is settled in her new palace and Shah
avoids telling him that she still lives in her old palace. She adds that she will keep
her eyes on her. When Shah hears that Ayaz Pasha suggested Rustem as a
husband for Mihrimah, is surprised.. Suleyman says that there is no hurry and that
he won’ t make a decision if he doesn’t hear first Mihrimah's will to this matter.
Shah is offered to talk to her. The pashas wonder who will take Mustafa Pasha's
place in the Council. Ayaz pasha mocks them, that despite they have married
members of the Imperial family, they take orders from him. Lutfu pasha tells him that he
should be careful of what he says, because as the illness causes so many deaths,
no one knows what might happen to anyone. Their positions are temporary.
Merjan agha says to Shah that not only Rustem went to Adrianople, & Lutfu Pasha as
well. Shah is surprised. Hurrem tells Diana that her return to the palace should be
hastened because their enemies act behind her back. Diana asks her what was
the reason of Rustem Pasha's visit and Hurrem angrily tells her about his
proposal to get marry with her daughter. Hurrem also says that she wants around
her people to serve her own dreams, not to serve their own!! ..Shah tells Nigar and
Khazeena that she tried to test Rustem, telling him to kill Hurrem. Shah also informs
them about the proposal made by Ayaz Pasha about Mihrimah's marriage with
Rustem, telling them that the Sultan was seemed not very pleased with this idea.
Shah also expresses her fears that some people might change Suleiman's mind
about this matter. Khazeena realizes that something else bothers Shah, but Shah
refuses to tell her right now. Mihrimah tells her mother that jahangir was convinced to lie
to their father saying that he is not eating, in order to let them come. Hurrem tells
them that they should not be proud of what they did to their father . Shah asks
why Lutfu met Hurrem, noticing that these meetings do not stay secret. Lutfu says
to Shah that Hurrem proposed to help him to take Ayaz Pasha's place in the
Council, unless he would subserve her interests and help her to turn back to the
Topkapi palace . Shah is surprised with the proposal and Lutfu tells her that Hurrem offered
him something else, in order to keep her promise, he has to get rid Shah Sultan
firstly. Shah is shocked. She asks him what more lies Hurrem said to him and Lutfu says that she warned him that Shah would get rid of him just she has fulfilled her
goals. When Shah is offended, Lutfu reminds her that there was a long time since
they have slept together. Shah, in order to show that cares about him, says they
must act quickly, now that Hurrem is in exile and Ayaz pasha is powerless..
Nigar tells Rustem that he was wrong for not chosing the protection offered by Shah sultan .
She also tells him that he will be drown in his own dream and he is not going to
marry Mihrimah. When Nigar threatens him that she will not let her go out of his life, Rustem reminds her that she was never part of his life and drives her away.
Suleiman takes dinner with his sons and Beyazit asks him if it is true that their
mother is going to return with Mihrimah and jahangir. Suleiman gets angry and
leaves the dinner
Mihrimah tells her
mother that with this punishment imposed upon her father, he punishes himself
most of all...that her mother is always part of his heart and one day she wishes
to live such a love as theirs. Hurrem knowing that she will take some unfair
decisions, feels pain listening to Mihrimah's words. Mustafa wants to meet by
himself the pirate de Gama, saving the children he holds. Yahya warns him that he
should not be on board without sultan's permission. Mahi e dora scolds Ayshe for
her behavior and her fights with Rumeysa. Ayshe says her the words said by
Rumeysa that she is going to seduce Shehzade Mustafa and become a sultana. When Fidan
and Mah e dora stay alone, Fidan says that Ayshe may be tell the truth. Mah e dora
refuses to believe it, saying that she's lying because is jealous. Rumeysa listens to
their conversation, smiling with satisfaction. .