Earn in Dollars


According to the documents, Sultan Suleyman believed the conspiracy made by Hurrem Sultan And Rustem Pasha. Believing that Sehzade Mustafa was preparing to overthrow the Sultan and get the throne. Sultan Suleyman decided to execute his son. While being on the road for the Battle Of Iran he summoned his son in 1553 to join him in the war. Mahidevran, Sehzade Mustafa’s mother and the men loyal to Mustafa didn’t want him to go, because they knew he might be in danger. However Sehzade Mustafa refused to defy his father and went. 6 Oktober 1553 he joined his fathers camp between Konya and Aleppo.

The meeting in his fathers tent is reported by Venetian sources as following:

"As soon as Sehzade Mustafa’s tent was set, arrows fired at his tent with a message to not to go to his father because he wants to kill him. But Mustafa ignores the warning
thinking it is a trick of Rustem Pasha to get Mustafa defying his Father. Saying: "If my father wants me dead, he has the right to do so. He gave me life, he can take it away."

Before he goes to his father, he decides to sent the gifts of expensive clothing and jewelry to the Sultan. " "When Mustafa enters the room he sees the Sultan sitting with an arrow and bow in his hand. Sehzade Mustafa bows in respect and greeds his father, the Sultan. His Father responds: "You dog, how dare you to greet me still?!" And turns his face away from his son.

The Sultan turning his face away from his son was a sign for the executioners to strangle him. Whereupon the gatekeepers takes a robe and gets it on the neck of
Sehzade Mustafa trying to strangle him Assisting the gatekeeper, three executioners move towards Mustafa to strangle him. While all of the sudden the robe breaks.

Poor Mustafa succeeds in escaping his executioners and kicking some of them to the ground. While running his clothes come in the way and he fells. At that point the gatekeeper grabs him by his legs and the guards of the Sultan grab a new robe and get it arround the neck of Mustafa strangling him. "

"Mustafa trying to block the executioners by holding the robes allows him to make it harder for them to execute him. The Sultan orders the executioners to put down his tulband. He said so because the Turks believe some words written on their clothes can protect them. The gatekeeper takes the tulband and offers it to the sultan.

The executioners take a third robe and put it again around his neck, this is their last robe.

Yet again Mustafa tries to block them by lowering his head to his chest. But this time they raise his head and succeed in strangle the Sehzade till he dies. The executioners leave the tent crying after finishing the job. Upon seeing this the guards outside understand what happened inside Understanding that the best hope for the empire and the dynastie died. The guards who see this make a loud noise, whereafter the Janissaries come out their tents trying to understand what happened. Fearing that the Janissaries might rebel thinking Mustafa Is still alive. Sultan Suleyman orders the body of Mustafa to be shown public on a carpet outside.
