Earn in Dollars


Episode 274-
Shah sultan's men bring rustem to her from the pub..
Shah tells Rustem that waits response to her proposal...that she considers him brave but also very foolish.. She
offends rustem by telling him that he is a son of a swineherd and not have dreams
about Mihrimah, the Sultan's daughter...that she understands he wants power, so
she offers him anything he wants, as long as he shows her his allegiance, by killing
Hurrem..Tabib informs sultan that mustafa pasha's condition is getting worse & two men died due to this infection, sultan says to him that tell ayaz pasha to follow safety precautions & inform others about this as well.. Hurrem decides to act and calls Lutfu pasha in Adrianople. She says that she
knows there is no love between him and Shah....and that the reason is that Shah sultan
shares the same love with khazeena sultan that They both loved Ibrahim pasha . Lutfu Pasha is
shocked. Hurrem seeing Rustem, believes that he went to get her back. Rustem
says that Mustafa Pasha will die soon and Shah promised him that she would offer
Mustafa Pasha's position to him in the Council, in exchange to kill her (Hurrem).. He had
two options and choose the another one. (FKASH BACK COMES) that rustem meets Ayaz Pasha and
says to him that he has an order from Hurrem Sultan. Ayas Pasha suggests to
Sultan to give mustafa pasha's post to rustem & also marry Mihrimah with Rustem. Hurrem wonders by Rustem's audacity
to think something like this and Rustem tells her that Ayaz Pasha suggested. He
says that if he is honored to make him son-in-law and enters the Council, he will
add power to her power, that they will destroy together all her enemies and
everyone would bend in front of her. Hurrem looks at him surprised and
Shah waits for Lutfu pasha full of concern. When she asks him where he was, Lutfu
tells her that he was somewhere with some soldiers, avoiding to give
explanations. Shah is surprised and angry. Mihrimah asks her father, once again,
permission for her and little jahangir to visit their mother, telling him that jahangir
doesn’t eat and feels sad. Sultan insists on his decision and Bali bey decides
to intervene. He asks Suleyman to give him permission to accompany the
princess and the prince, promising that he will protect them. Suleyman is being
convinced and allows them to go to Adrianople. Hurrem gets totally mad with Rustem’s
audacity to want get married with her daughter. When Rustem says that he was
forced because Shah told him to kill her, Hurrem reacts saying that it is a disgrace
of him to blackmail her. Rustem then tells her that he will be her slave forever
and that the decision is hers. In the market, people are dying due plague
epidemic. In the Council, Sultan is being informed that Sheikh Masuki didn’t
obey his orders to leave the capital. Lutfu pasha adds that his followers are increasing.
Suddenly tabib enters and says the Mustafa Pasha didn’t make it, & he is
dead. He asks to fend the princes from the palace, but Sultan answers that
they wont act like cowards, that Allah will protect them, gaining everyones
admiration. .
Sheker agha tells Merjan agha that he met someone in the market who
died due to plague. Merjan agha noticing that his face has a dark red colour turns away
from him and asks him to see a doctor. On their way to Adrianople, Mihrimah
thanks Bali bey and he tells her that he hadn’t see her smiling for a long time and
that he feels very happy if he has been able to help her... suddenly they see a carriage coming towards them ...
