Earn in Dollars



The objective of this assignment is:

· To assess your overall understanding of Software Testing.
· To increase your level of understanding about Debugging.
· To help you understand the importance of Verification.

Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 14-02-2013
· This Assignment is Non Graded, but you need to solve it for practice and better understanding of
· The assignment should be in .doc format. Assignment in any format other than MS Word format will not
be accepted.
· Assignment submitted through email will not be accepted.
· In this assignment you have to study a research article and mention your findings about this article.
For any query about the assignment, contact at cs504@vu.edu.pk

You are given a Research Paper, you have to study this paper and answer the following questions about
this research paper.

Question No. 1 10 Marks
Write the summary of attached research paper with respect to Software debugging, testing, and verification in 810

Question No. 2 10 Marks
Draw the comparison in tabular form among software debugging, testing, and verification. Mention at least five
points for each.

o Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from net, handouts or books.
o Your answer should be “to the point”.
