Earn in Dollars



Q1a     Define the term Ethnocetrism
Ethnocentrism is having or based on the idea that your own group or culture is better or more important than others.
1.Adam thought that Mei Ling probably still lives at home with her parents and when she is at the university she is always studying diligently at the library.
2.He thinks that Mei Ling spends most of her time with her Asian friends and does not seem to make much effort to get to know Australians.
3.that she would be very quiet and reserved like other Asian students and that her English would not be very good
Q1 C
The stereotype that Mei Ling lives at home with her parents therefore may not be the case if she is an international student. She may live alone or with relatives or live in shared accommodation with other students.
Our stereotype of Mei Ling also suggests that she is hardworking and studious. While this may the case, it is important to recognise that most university students do have to spend a considerable amount of studying. Asian students are not necessarily more studious than any other students although it may take some international students more time to study than their Australian classmates given that English is not their first language. Noi (1990) further points out that international students are full-fee paying students, and therefore, often feel enormous pressure and obligation to their parents and families to do well in their studies. The financial aspects as well as the high cultural expectation placed on educational success are often reasons why some Asian students spend more time at their books or even choose to study subjects, such as math or science, which their parents may deem suitable

Who is being interviewed?
      a.         Warren Buffett.
2. Name the two calamities mentioned in the very beginning of the interview by the interviewer.
      a.         Recession
      b.         Threat of Swine flu
3. How many businesses do the guest speaker owns?
      a.         70 businesses to the whole map of America.
4. Which event changed American buying habits as suggested by the guest speaker?
      a.         Its seems that something happens that they didn’t anticipate                                                      years    ago or two years ago but they still confident about                                                         America and they would like to re-assure to some degree and                                                    warren buffett have no problem re-assure them because                                                              warren buffett is totally confident about America for their                                                         buying habits.
5. What is the name of the mattress mentioned by the guest speaker?
      a.         Nervous Nellie Mattress.