CS403 - Database Management Systems Assignment No. 01 Solution Fall 2015 Due Date November 23, 2015
Assignment No. 01 (Graded)
SEMESTER Fall 2015 CS403- Database Management System |
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 23 /11/2015
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For any query about the assignment, contact at cs403@vu.edu.pk
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Marks: 20
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Production House Budgeting System
Entertainment industry is flourishing day by day in Pakistan. Due to the revival of Film industry new production houses are opening. The production company is generally responsible for fundraising for the production. It handles budgeting, scheduling, scripting, supply with talent and resources, the organization of staff, the production itself, post-production, distribution, and marketing.
Suppose Mr. “X” is your friend and has opened a production company with the name “Dream Anime”. He wants you to automate the whole processing of the company, especially the budgeting of the films to keep track of the financial status of the company.
A film goes through many phases. Development, Preproduction, production, post production and distribution are the main phases of film production.
Suppose the story of the movie has been decided in the development phase by the producer and it is moved to the production phase.
In pre-production, every step of actually creating the film is carefully designed and planned. The film is pre-visualized by the director, and may be storyboarded with the help of illustrators. A production budget is drawn up to plan expenditures for the film. Expenditures include cast, crew, production cost (location expenditure, equipment etc), visual effects and music etc.
The producer hires a crew. The nature of the film, and the budget, determine the size and type of crew used during filmmaking.
Production manager handles all the expenses and cost related issues. He along with producer decides the budget of the project and manages the resources accordingly. He is also responsible for collecting the finance for the project. Production manager also contacts funding agencies and finalizes the deal.
After Preproduction, project goes into the production and post-production phases where the actual filming, editing and mixing etc. are done. When the movie is in the final shape and ready to be in the cinemas, it goes into the distribution phase.
This is the final stage, where the film is released to cinemas, occasionally, directly to consumer media (DVD, VCD, VHS, Blu-ray). The film is duplicated as required and distributed to cinemas/distributors for exhibition (screening).
After the movie releases, the production company keeps track of the revenue generated by the movie from all possible ways. They keep checking the profit and loss status of the movie after all payments. The profit of the funding companies is also paid back.
Task Description:
This Assignment is starting phase and in this assignment you will focus only on the tasks given below:
Part1. You are required to identify all the processes in the system. (5 Marks)
Part2. Find out all the external entities interacting with the system. (5 Marks)
Create a Context level DFD of the given scenario: (10 Marks)
Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 1-6
Deadline: Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before November 23, 2015
Processes: Processes are expressed with ovals or rounded rectangles. Processes are used to express the transformation of incoming dataflow into outgoing dataflow. Process symbols are used for whatever is the action taking place and whatever is the magnitude or complexity of the action. Simply stating when data is transformed from one form into another the process symbol is used. Figure-6a and Figure-6b show two different shapes used for presenting process in DFD.
Database Development Process The database development process means the same thing that we have mentioned as database application development process. Rather than discussing three stages of database application development separately, the steps given in the database development process include steps that cover all three phases mentioned for the database application development process.