Earn in Dollars



The first object  is to change the image of the of the opnion about private school on return of fees, tell the people about little known knowledge bteen the dialoge between school owners  government officer, improve the caliber of school and
Government policy , prepare the all owenrs of the shool for dialoge for solution of the broblem,improve the peoples relation between school owners.

  • What type of media & techniques will you use?
First of all once the objectives have been workout and the publics selected it will be necessary to select the media
and technique to be adopted for the achievement of the desired objectives. It is important as in relation to
the objectives, determined publics identified, only the selection of proper public will yield positive results.
Following is the classification of different media as in use in the present days.
Print Media Electronic Media
1. Press.                    5. Radio
2. Printed Material.     6. Television.
3. Direct Mail.
4. House Journals

  • · Will Social Media be beneficial and applicable   in Pakistani context?
Now a days in pakistan the social media play very vital role in the awarenes to the people and also use for informatin sharring it is working as like different types of media techniqiue use for addvertising.

 · What will be the Motto of your campaign?
           The motto is the first proirty on which people can trust for                                      the compign   that in the circular border play an awareness program for public benefit.
  • · What are the Problems and your proposed solution?
   The main problem which is faced to is take the   school owners and the people on one patch  and doing dailouge and their opinons on the problems and take out the proper solution between them the proposed solution between them is to agree on the the government policy .

  • · Evaluation
  The judgment that we should aspect is both parties can accept the government policy if they accsept the government policy this is wail and good for them.

  • · A brief analysis of the Campaign?
The problem which is main for the pr public officer to tack out the situation  and know the opinion and problems of the school oweners after tell them about the government policy and also dailogue with peoples and to kae the situation up down and give the some easy steps to the shool owners to return their fees to the students the main problems for the private shool owenrs for expandition the income of teachers and also other school maitainance expentiure from where the paid as pr pulic relation officer I give some easy steps to do not loss in their expenditures.
