Earn in Dollars


Episode 300-
Ilyas heals Shehzade Mehmet and he secretly puts over his wounds the germ of smallpox that he had taken from the patient......
Mehmet thanks him for being kind & caring to him & Ilyas feels ashamed infront of shehzade ( Because in actual he is killing him) .......
At night Mehmet wakes up with high fever and dyspnea......
Sultan says to Abu Saud that he received a letter from Mehmet and that he is well....
Sultan confesses that he may be consider Mehmet as a successor, but doesn't love him more than his other children......
Abu Saud tells him that children resemble the flowers in his garden, Other is beautiful, another has nice colors,other smells nice, One can be a weed trying to harm the others, but they all live under the same sun and you can not love the one less than the other.......
Bali Bey asks for Sultan's permission to leave and the Sultan farewells him.....
Bali Bey tells Matrakchi that he has got news about Ali Agha and he leaves urgently....
He tells matrakchi that he said nothing to Sultan for not to upset him so he told him that he is leaving for his homeland.....
Suleiman dreams of his son, Mehmet who is unconsciously lying on the throne, not hearing his calling at all and suleiman wakes up terrified......
Mihrimah arrives at
Manisa, & she finds her brother Mehmet dead due to the germs of smallpox that was transferred in his wound, and mihrimah is in shock so she faints......
When Mah e dora learned the news about Mehmet's death , she smiles feeling satisfied......
At the same time her mirror that Siniyora Gabriella gave her, just falls and breaks..... Gabriella had said that when this mirror breaks, means the person has committed a sin on purpose & the gates of hell will
The news about Shehzade Mehmet's death, hit like lightning on Suleiman...... Full of sorrow & Grief, he arrives at the palace and asks to bring his son's dead body to the capital (Istanbul).......
When Mihrimah goes to see him, Merjan agha says that Sultan wants to stay alone.....
Suleiman sees like a vision of his son's life passes in front of him, he recites some sad poetic words with full of grief & sorrow in his heart......
In the morning , Rustem finds Sultan sleeping in the balcony.....
He awakes him & tells him, A miracle Just had happened that Hurrem Sultan is back.....
Suleiman runs to see her....
Hurrem in a purple dress, comes out from her carriage & sumbul agha welcomes her.....
Actually Malkoçoğlu Bali bey has found her & brought her back......
As Bali bey watches Hurrem that now she is back home, His work is done here so he turns back his horse & he (Bali bey) goes back to his homeland......
When Suleiman sees Hurrem in front of him, he doesn't believe in his eyes....
Hurrem calls his name ''SULEIMAN'', And He comes close to her socked and hugs her :') .....
( A very Touchy scene )



We are in the topkapi palace and hears the voice of IBRAHIM
Ibrahim is saying that he is between heaven and hell and cannot rest.....
that he revolted in fate and that one night during the month of Ramazan, the fire surrounded him and burned him (killed)....
Ibrahim says that the greatest enemy
of man is his ownself....
Suleiman is asleep and in the balcony, Hurrem thinks about the words of the fortune teller that when she asked her who will be the next sultan & the fortune teller says that the palace will be drowned in blood.... Hurrem tells her that this is not her own blood, but their enemies blood and that
she is Hurrem and she never forgives!...
Shehzade Mustafa wakes up mumbling "BABA" and Yahya
gives a letter from his father who invites him to the capital (istanbul).....
Sumbul as agha leads Hurrem to a secret crypt and says that everything developed based on her orders.....

Mera Sultan 1 by dramasfour
Mera Sultan 2 by dramasfour
Mera Sultan 3 by dramasfour
Mera Sultan 4 by dramasfour