Earn in Dollars


Episode 288-
Lutfu pasha says to Sultan that Mehmet became 20 years old and seems to
be sad as he hasn’t been sent for fan e harb yet, so he fears that his father doesn’t
trust him. sultan says that Mehmet is the blood of his soul and he fully trusts
Rustem is annoyed, as soon as, he hears about the discussion. Hurrrem,
pretenting being sad, tells Mihrimah that her father is very upset with Shehzade Mustafa, because he wants to keep the janissaries happy, gave them money. Mihrimah tells
her that Mustafa brother does not have bad aim and Hurrem tells her that the only thing
she cares about, is Suleiman....that she can not sleep at nights because she
worries if something happens to her sultan with all what is happening. Rustem
comes and says that the princes will leave for training on proposal of Lutfu pasha , but
Hurrem feels uncomfortable hearing this. Mihrimah tells them that this would be
happened some time. 
Nigar asks for Shah sultan's help, but Shah says she can not keep
her because this would make Sultan feel discomfort. Nigar tells that if she
helps her, she have a important proposal for her (Shah). 
Hurrem tells that Rustem
must do something not mehmet go away, because then she could not stay
at the palace in that case. The discussion is interruptedd by the nurse Emine. ..
Suleiman discusses with Bali Bey and khizar raees about mehmet .. Both say it's time for Shehzade mehmet to go for training. 
Shah and khazeena are happy when Lutfu says, that 
sultan agreed to send Shehzade mehmet for training. They consider that they will get rid
of Hurrem, as she ought to go with her son Mehmet. Emine the nurse who is Shah sultan's spy, informs her
that Hurrem is very uncomfortable and she does not want to leave Mehmet for
Suleiman says to the envoy of Hungary that he is the one, who will
decide who will get the throne of Hungary and that if Ferdinand dares to do so,
let him go and get it. Suleiman agrees with Lutfu pasha's proposal to send Mehmet to
Amasya for training. Mehmet listens to them excited. They also decide, to send Shehzade Selim to Konya and Shehzade Beyazit to Kütahya.
Shah is glad to be rid of Hurrem and tells
Lutfu that she has a plan to get rid of Rustem as well . Khazeena and Shah visit Mihrimah's
palace, to see the baby ayshe humashah. 
Among women accompanying them with covered faces,
is also Nigar. 
Hurrem tells Rustem that since they can not prevent Mehmet to go
for the training, they have to make sure to send him in Manisa training leading to the throne. Rustem tells her that Shehzade Mustafa is there for many years and it is difficult to
get rid of him. Hurrem tells him that she did what he wanted and got married
with Mihrimah. Thus, he should find a way to throw Shehzade Mustafa away from Manisa...
Khazeena tells Mihrimah that she seems sad and Mihrimah replies that she is just tired.
Nigar manages to escape from the other women and is hidden in Mihrimah's
palace. At night Mihrimah asks her mother to stay with her at night, not to leave her
alone, so that in the morning to go along to the palace to see and her father that
she missed him. 
Shah has restless night and Merjan agha wonders if they should have
trust Nigar. He is afraid if she hurts Mihrimah's baby, instead of Rustem. 
After everyone has slept, Nigar appears. Having a candlestick for weapon, she manages reach the baby's room and looks at it with eyes lost.