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Kurulus Osman with Urdu Subtitles EPISODE 09 (First Part Uploaded)

This is Episode number 9 of Kurulus Osman Season 1 with Urdu Subtitles. Ali§ar Bey! Ali§ar Bey! How dare you take a Bey from his tent9 You're standing against a principality bey Put that dagger in its sheathe Put down your weapons I'll drown this tent with the blood of your soldiers. Ali§ar Bey! Stay away from my brother! Stay back Gunduz. I don’t want to hurt you as well. How did you hear That Kalonoz is dead. Ali§ar Bey9 I was in the castle... They said, the one who killed Kalonoz was from Kayis Dundar Bey, why are they speaking while you are here? We re the valiants of Kayi, Ali§ar Bey. We only believe in the decree of Allah And presidentship of messenger of Allah Dundar Bey, think wisely. This will end either by mass massacre or exile. Do you think the Mongol which I hinge on, won't pay account for this? We're saying Osman is innocent, why don't you understand9 You victimize us because of Kulucahisar. Neither them nor you I am looking for justice Since you’re our principality bey, you should have lead us instead of hanging around You shouldn't come here without permission It's enough Osman I'm not going to learn the order and permission from you. I'll take your heads right now. What do you think you're doing here, you heathens? Osman killed Kalonoz He is going to pay for it Begone. Don't you know that we ll not deliver Osman Bey to you? Who is going to stop me7 You? Move aside! This Episode Is Sponsored By www.soothemyskin.co.uk How could you draw your weapons and raid on the beys tent9 We're not raiding the tent Abdurrahman Ghazi, we're doing our job VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.giveme5.co۔

If you're innocent, then why are you hiding behind the weapons? Are you afraid of my judgement? Thanks to Allah. I am not afraid anything that I see Yet, I'm afraid of atrocity, Ali§ar Bey. Do you think I'm going to sacrifice you for heathens7 I'm going to set up a fair trial. Osman, there are Byzantium. Mongols I don’t want any new trouble. Pull yourself together. I'm not afraid from the trail or your judgement I want to speak with Sofia face to face Osman, do not trust this man. Osman, you don't have to go my nephew Well protect you until the last sword or the last blood of the Kayis. Me and my weapon, we're trusting your judgement. Ali§ar Bey. Ali§ar Bey... Someone attacked the new market last night. . Our men have been slaughtered. Who would have done such a thing, Nizamettin? I'll go to the new market. Take him to the mansion. Let him wait in the dungeon until I return Osman Bey. Soldiers! Where are you taking our Bey? Should we be afraid to die or... Should we wait for it. my Bala? This was the first dhikr (prayer) that you gave to me, I wouldn’t know, my Sheykh Hadhrat Hamza, Sultan of Valiants... Towards the end of his life... He started to go battles without wearing an armor. People noticed the situation. Some of them asked... Father of the master of swords Didn't you read the verse of Allah which says that we shouldn’t put ourselves in danger? Hadhrat Hamza answered with steadiness... While I was young, I saw the death as a farewell to this world... When I become clear with the light of my nephew Hadhrat Muhammad (PBUH)... I comprehend.

The verse that says don't put yourself in danger if you are afraid to die. was for that. Shortly, death is not an end. it's a beginning that opens the gate of truth. If we accept this as it is, we won't be afraid to die. we'll start to wait for it In the times that we live, people who open the gates of victory are not the ones who afraid to die But the valiants who kill death like Hadhrat Hamza Lucky those valiants... They don’t worry about their stuff and life. Lucky those valiants, they won't choose their desires instead of their cause Lucky those heroes, their names will be given to a generation... To an era... To a soul. Who do you think you're playing with? Do you think you'll get away from me with your lies? I deserved your anger. My only wish is to die as a Muslim. My son. You made my Aybars a martyr. You tore my heart out. You killed my son My life is in your hands, Bamsi Bey. However... If you spare my life I'd be your son till the day you die. Give your blessings to me. You felt the pain of losing your child because of me. Bamsi Bey Do the necessary Killing the commander of Kulucahisar and... Throwing him in front of the castle like an animal huh'? You'll you pay for this in such a way That the whole world will hear about it, Osman. First. Osman Then all Kayis. And then all Turks. I’ll rip their hearts out and feed the dogs with them. I swear to God. Not only for Kalanoz but also for all the soldiers we lost I'll kill tens of Turks for each of them. think Ali§ar Bey removed Osman from his camp. We can't touch Kayis unless he's dead Even if Ali§ar Bey removed Osman from Kayis He can't control him Osman will eventually manage to escape. Samsa Bey! Don't make us hurt a brother. Zorba1 Free. Osman Bey! We re aides, Samsa Bey. Don't put us to trouble Alright then. If there is someone who wants to die they can pull his weapon. I warned you once. I won’t do it twice. Zorba Come and take him then Brothers.
Put your weapons down Don't let alps' anger ruin you. Don’t suffer for nothing. Don’t tie these valiants up too hard. Bora brother. We don't want them to be wasted. Command is yours, my bey Thank you, Samsa Sarge. I can’t wait to watch Osman's death. You're right But in case he survives, we should plan something My messenger bird Nizameddin. Brought us important information Ali§ar has fallen in love with Edebali's daughter. Only this information is Enough to put Ali§ar and Osman against each other. But don't forget If Osman surrendered to Ali§ar. he must have a plan We have to act very careful Is there any news from Salvador? No, sir. |i bear witness that there isino/deitytout God1... And I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God. I bear witness that there is no deity but God I bear witness that there is no deity but God And I bear witness that... Muhammad is the messenger of God What are we going to do. Osman Bey9 Ali§ar Bey is waiting for gold that is coming from Konya which is occupied by Mongols Soldiers were talking about it. Then it’s time for booty, my bey.

The gold of Ali§ar is halal to the friends of Turks, Osman Bey The destiny of Turks... Will be determined by the valiants . Who give his goods and life for this cause Not the ones who take gold from the enemy Samsa Sarge Tell Abdurrahman Ghazi to seize the gold with alps However, for now, nobody should know what we do. Don't worry about it, Osman Bey Konur brother, is there any news from Bamsi Bey7 He hasn't come back, my bey. We should catch him before he kills Salvador. He has the key of Sofia May our holy war be blessed Allah is Ever Lasting. Allah The Truthful Allah is Ever Lasting. Allah The Truthful Hatuns. I don't want the peace in our camp To be ruined because of Ali$ar You're in charge of hatuns and children Idiot! He made Kulucahisar his friend. He became their dog. Don't worry Dundar Bey With the last thing he did... He went too far You didn't care when he slapped Batur When it comes to Osman, he went too far When you look at it you see a slap But when I look at it I see migration routes Exile and dead bodies Of course we didn t take it on the chin Of course we wrote it on the black notebook. You. wait for it We always stay quite and shut up. He slapped my brave son in front of people like a child. When it comes to my mind, my heart bleeds. Zohre don't you know us7 Do you think that Ali§ar can get away with that slap? Batur is the same with Osman. Is Osman different from Batur?

Osman is our son. so is Batur Thank you, Selcan Hatun. Thank you. Like you said, of course When I say wait, I mean be patient When the right time comes, weapons of Kayi's Will cut the hands that slapped and tried to chain us Everyone should know that Peace be with you. Sheykh Edebali Peace be upon you You came with a lot of men... What is the matter, Ali§ar Bey? Our existence serves for the system We are here for the rules. Bad things happened last night. Do you know anything about it? What is it? Some of my men were killed by the bandits at the bazaar Did you hear something? Ablution is the best way for redemption. Now wash your ears with your little finger.. Your back of the head with your backhands.. And then your feet. May Allah accept it. Thank you. Osman Thank you. Take it. Oh, Allah! My sons Before you ask. I will tell you Our prophet Hadhrat Muhammad PBUH his uncle Hadhrat Hamza, Was made a martyr by Vah§i, Who accepted the religion and took the name Hadhrat Vah§i But my bey. Konur. Konur. Konur. Konur Alp. Listen to me! Listen to me! Listen to me! My son Aybars was a brave man.
But was he more brave than the uncle of Hadhrat Muhammad PBUH. Hadhrat Hamza? Our prophet forgave his uncle s murderer I am a simple Bamsi Beyrek As long as we have men as brave as you, noone can touch us, Bamsi Bey. My Osman My bey, what if this heathen is lying because of the fear of death? We will understand that soon. His first exam will be hard. May Allah forgive their sins. We sleep early and get up early. This is our prophets tradition. I’m suprised. We thought that you can hear and see while sleeping. Then you don t know that Osman Bey killed Kalanoz. Why are you sad about the death of the biggest heathen like Kalanoz, Ali§ar Bey? Don t think that I don t know you work with Osman. m asking you if you are related or not with this incident Working with a valiant like Osman, is happiness. I have nothing to say about his braveness But he is self-ordained. Eagles don t enter the cages Forests aren't enough for lions. Ali§ar Bey I am in charge in this area.

I don t know about lions or eagles. The Mongols in Konya don t want any trouble. Allah knows what happened last night, Ali§ar Bey. But, I know that If you add water to soil, it becomes clay... If you add blood, it becomes a homeland Well done for Osman if he killed that heathen He is a great valiant. Why is the gillyflower unhappy? It was without water. Nobody thought to water it It died away May it be easy, ladies. For so long. I want to decorate the walls of my mansion with glazed tiles. I don’t know anyone skillful like you. Besides, our religion orders us to Give the job to ones that are capable to do it. Same verse continues as when you rule, rule with justice. The companionship of Bala Hatun is such a blessing, isn't it Gonca Hatun? Her knowledge, her skill... Masha'Allah, Masha’Allah. I will definitely entrust my mansion to you... Bala Hatun. When our skillful Ahis arrive, talk about your situation with them, Ali§ar Bey My work is not painting the walls of a mansion. Ali§ar Bey. What is it, Nizamettin? Kayi Alps, kidnapped Osman Bey from our soldiers What are you talking about?1 Let me pour my Sheykh Thank you, my daughter My Sheykh Tell me my daughter Just now, Nizamettin Bey brought news while Ali§ar Bey was leaving.

He said Osman escaped from the soldiers Ali§ar Bey got angry and left. What is going on. my Sheykh? Ali§ar Bey. arrested Osman for the crime of killing Kalonoz Did he arrest him? So. Osman Bey has escaped from their hands. He must know something. What if anything happens to Osman Bey. my Sheykh? Bala... Since when have we started to worry about a man? Everyone is entrusted to Allah. Instead of worrying about Osman. You shall deal with your business. Don't step in Pour some more. Mongols arrived to the caravansary, my lady. You're taking care of your fish really well. They're in need of me. I look after the ones That are in need of me Behind your tough look You have a caring soul, Ali^ar Bey. You're living in a small pool called Kulucahisar just like these fish My generosity is valid for you as well Surely, you are in need of us as. we in need of your generosity. Princess... I've given you so many opportunities in my lands in return of your smile and kind words Trading, till the end. If it’s Osman, just ask for it, I'll skin him. But if it is just self abuse, a darkness comes between us... Your soldiers haven't brought Osman Bey yet I hope you didn't let slip the fish that you caught Ali§ar Bey. God damn it. Salvador Go to Master Yanms at once Tell him that princess Sofia fell into trap of Osman, hurry. Where are my soldiers I’ve loosened their ropes. They’ll be here shortly. I'm going to hang you with that rope Soldiers! You're revolting against my judgement, huh? You enact your death with your disrespectful behaviour. I put my trust in your judgement and came, Ali^ar Bey. And now. I've surrendered to your justice. What is the meaning of this, Ali$ar Bey?