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Skin damage can be caused due to certain factors such as exposure to the sun, exposure to the cold and poor diet. There are many home remedies for skin damage which are simple to follow and effective when used.

 Skin is an important part of our body and needs proper care and attention. Most people do not take proper measures to take care of their skin and as a result their skin becomes damaged. There are certain factors which cause damage to skin such as over exposure to the sun, exposure to cold, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes excess usage of cosmetics can damage your skin.

Home Remedies

There are several home remedies for skin damage which are simple to follow and easy to use. Some of the popular home remedies are:

1. One of the most effective home remedies for damaged skin is to take Epsom salt water baths. It will not only provide nourishment and relief but also will help in replenishing the damaged skin.

2. Potato is considered to be one of the effective home remedies for skin damage. All you need to do is apply raw potato juice on your skin. This will improve worn out skin and make your skin look better.

3. If you are suffering from sunburn then it is very beneficial to use cucumber. You can apply cucumber juice on your skin. This will not only give a cooling effect but also nourish your skin.

4. Rose water can also be very helpful in treating skin damage. All you need to do is wash your face with rose water on regular basis. This will sure be very helpful in treating skin damage.

5. Aloe vera is very helpful in treating skin related problems. Just take some fresh aloe vera leaves and peel them. Now apply its pulp on the affected region of your skin. This will give a cooling effect to your skin and will help in quick healing of the upper layer of the skin. This is one of the most effective home remedies for skin damage.

6. Essential oils can also prove to be very helpful in treating skin damage. Just take some peppermint oil, jojoba oil, lavender oil, rose oil and mandarin oil in a container with a tight cover. Cover this container and shake it well for twenty seconds to mix them properly. Now fill your bathtub half with lukewarm water and then add two tablespoons of this oil in the bathtub. Soak yourself in this bathtub for the next twenty five to thirty minutes and then later rinse your body with clean and cool water. Use towel to dry yourself. You can repeat this several times in a day.

7. Milk can also be very helpful in treating damaged skin. Take a cotton ball and soak it into this milk. Now use this cotton ball to apply milk on your skin. This will moisturize the skin and remove the dirt.

8. Sandalwood is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is very helpful in treating skin related problems such as pimples and sun burns.

9. You can apply honey directly to your skin. It will not only remove dirt but will also moisturize your skin.