Earn in Dollars


Episode 442- 
Suleiman greets hurrem and nods her to sit beside the throne. 
Hurrem remembers the words spoken to her children. 
To Mihrimah she said that from now on she is responsible for his father and brothers. 
To Selim sais to defeat his fears and be brave.
& To Beyazit said not be so merciful in order to survive.
To Sumbul, she left two chests and asked to be given in Beyazit and Selim after his funeral.
Suddenly Hurrem grabs the hand of Suleiman and she understands that she is not feeling well. Suleiman helps her in getting up ..
We hear Hurrem's monologue, behind this scene she says;

"Everyone's death is in its own colour.My death is one that is wrapped in a scarlet coloured fire, of which the ground is blue and with an emerald sea. Everyone's heaven is with them. Mine is a the eternal stage of flowering and emerging. It is a fruitful garden that has devoted itself to love from head to toe.
I am Alexandra La Rossa. A Ukrainian slave that was sold to the Ottoman Palace. A slave that was taken from the Dinyeper River (Dnieper River) to the Black Sea. A slave whose mother, father and siblings have been killed. Every moment I pray on top of these massive waves to go to heaven and be reunited with my family. Alexandra, who at seventeen years old, learned the grief and oppressiveness of this world, and who aged one thousand years in one day, and who gave up on living, the one who had no one, Alexandra.
"I am Alexandra la Rossa, I have never shared my grief with anyone. I threw my pain in a deep well. I dumped them into the sea. The wave came and took them away. I answered all the things that hurt me with laughter. I only cried my tears
for my family. I created a Sultana out of this slave girl. And now, I am in the place where my life and my fate changed, in Sultan Suleyman's Palace. The Palace I had wanted to destroy on their heads is now my home. How could I have known that my heart that stopped for revenge, would start to beat again for love? I am Hurrem. Sultan Suleyman's slave. His concubine. His Sultana. The mother of his five children. His lawfully wedded wife Hurrem. I was loved and I still gained
the hatred of my enemies. I gave life (bore children) and I took it. I am the one who rose from being a slave to the top of the world. I am the one who passed through fire and ambush. I burned and I put fires out."

Hurrem looks back at her family for the last time , she smiles & leaves ...
Upon arriving in the harem, Hurrem falls on Suleiman's lap and whispers his name SULIEMAN and smiles... Suleiman just understands that she tries to remind him of their first meeting, smiles.
They continues to be directed in the room but Hurrem’s power weakens and twists on the floor in the arms of Suleiman.
When he carries her to his bed, she asks Suleiman not to let her hand go and do not remove his eyes from her eyes. She asks him to read her the poem that he wrote many years ago for her.

Continued Monologue of Hurrem: - "I am Hurrem Sultan. I am the soul of all the women in the world. And all of my being is hidden in the love of the ruler of my heart."

Suleiman reads his poetry for her;

"My musk, my amber, my being, my love, my shining moon,
My closest friend, the one I share my secrets with, my being,
the chief of beauty, my beautiful sultana.

My life, my existence, my wine of Kevser (a river in
paradise), my heaven, My spring, my happiness, my love, my rose, oh my rose that
My sycamore tree, my orator, the one that I look at,
My vegetable garden with roses.

My wish, my most valuable pearl,
My morning, my conversation, my evening!

My happiness, my celebration, my amusing council,
My resin, my sun, my candle!

My orange, my pomegranate, the one, who in the evening, is
the light that I reunite with lovingly in my chambers,

My intelligent one, my efendi, the one that is hidden away,the one that is clear.
My counsel, my Sultan, my Padishah, my leader,

My life in this worldly nation!
My plant, my sugar, my treasure!

My happiness in this world!
My beloved, my Yusuf (Prophet Joseph, who is considered to be the most beautiful human being ever created)...

My life, my existence, the home in my soul,
My Istanbul, my Karaman (another province in the Ottoman Empire), my love that is worth more than everything contained within Rome.

My Badakhshan (Afghani/Tajik province), my Kipchak (a Khaganate), my Baghdad, my Khorasan,
My love with beautiful hair, bow-shaped eyebrows, eyes that burn and are mischievous, I am addicted!

If I die, you would be responsible for it, because you tormented me by entering by blood, help me, oh my unbelievably beautiful love.
At your door, I constantly compliment you, I praise you, it is as if I have been assigned the duty of constantly flatter/praise you.

My heart is filled with grief, my eyes are filled with tears, I am Muhibbi (literally meaning the one who loves), I, the man who loves..."

Hurrem feels death and takes her final breath and at that moment everything freezes ... All the activities in the heram and in the garden becomes still..

Suleyman continues his words , says "My heart is filled with grief, my eyes are filled with tears, I am Muhibbi I, am happy."..

As his poem ends Hurrem dies Finally. Suleiman embraces her , hugs her and tightens her over him and he starts crying... 
