Earn in Dollars


Episode 420-
Concubine serves selim a drink & nurbano says that she looks a little suspicious so orders her to drink first, what if its poisoned... Selim says to nurbano what is she doing & she says they must be now careful..concubine drinks that & nothing happens to her but when shez leaving the room, she falls on the floor & dies... selim is astonished & nurbano acts that shez shocked bcz a flash back comes in her mind that she poured poison in that drink in order to make selim realize that Beyazit is trying to kill him like that so convince him that he must take action against him....
Nurbano shouts & acts infront of selim that how Shehzade Beyazit is trying to kill them...selim holds his head & dont know what to do...
In Edirna, Gracia mendez comes to meet hurrem in her room..kisses her gown & praises her... she talks about Sulieman that how
He saved her & gave her freedom from prison, its an honour & she wont forget that... she also says to hurrem that in her whole life she has never seen a king like Sultan Sulieman, so kind, gentle, brave & powerful ...Hurrem gives her a little loose smile & says to her that she finds her quite clever ..---
At night selim is drinking, nurbano comes in & checks his drink first whether its poison by drinking it, Acting like she really cares & shez can die for him... Although she knew that its not poison ...then she sits beside selim close & tries to Seduce him & says that he deserves the throne & he can get rid off Shehzade Beyazit by just ordering the concubine over there who is waiting & she can kill Shehzade Beyazit ...Selim is not in his senses so agrees with nurbano ...
Beyazit & Defne are together, defne admires his paintings on plates....then Beyazit asks about her that how she came here...she tells that shez from venice, her name was louisa & pirates attacked their ship & sold her as a slave ..Beyazit tells about his mother as well that hurrem Sultan came as a slave from russia...Beyazit finds Defne a little sad so
He asks her to tell her what in her mind...Defne tells when their ship was captured , pirates took her sister away ...her name was Ana...Beyazit asks if shez alive but defne remain silent, Beyazit calm her down says he can understand the pain of loosing a sibling but there is another pain in which you loose sibling while they are still alive..
In the morning selim wakes up & remembers what he talked to nurbano last night ...He goes to meet nurbano & says that as he was not in senses so forget what he said to her last night ..he would never want to kill his own brother so he says that she wouldnt have took it that serious & didn't sent that order to her concubine in kutahya...Nurbano lies & says dont worry she didn't sent her any orders like that but what he thought last night was a really correct decision ...Selim shuts her up...& nurbano gets angry ...she meets Ghazanfer & tells him that selim took his order back to kill Beyazit so Ghazanfer asks if they now stop the letter from going there, nurbano says no need to bcz she lied to selim, let Beyazit die as she has to protect herself, kids & selim...
Defne feels a little sick & nausea ..kalfa says to go to tabiba for her pregnancy test & Defne denies says that no no shez not pregnant, it cant be that early ..
Mihrimah is looking at her red spots on her neck, chest & now also on her hands ..so she orders to her concubine to bring Sinyor Pedro here as she needs more of his ointment ..Concubine says Rustem pasha is not here to when he will arrive then she will bring him..Mihrimah says no need to do that...as she ordered her so go & bring him here...
In Edirna, Sulieman is outside in the garden, reading the book which Gracia gave him.. Hurrem comes to him & sits with him... she talks about their old days & he used to write poetry for her ... She says that he is her life, her love, her heaven, her peace, her everything, asks Sulieman does he remember those words...Sulieman replies yes but these words are 30 years
Hurrem says so what, love does not become old ...it remains young always ... what if there love is 30 years old but its alive & will stay forever ..Sulieman smiles & hurrem also smiles... Sinyora Gracia arrives & apologizes to them for disturbing them .. she sees her gift book in Sulieman's hand & gets really happy to see that hez reading ..Hurrem is annoyed ...
Outside Mihrimah's room , Pedro is waiting, concubine brings blind fold for him to tie on his eyes..he ties that but in a way that he still can see things blur.He is taken to the room & see blur Mihrimah sitting ... Mihrimah calls him says over her sinyor pedro.. he comes near & Mihrimah orders him to take off that blind fold as Rustem pasha is not here so there no need to follow his stupid rules, otherwise he wont be able to do her treatment in a better ways... Pedro gets excited & takes off his blind fold.. & infront of his eyes See smiling Mihrimah sitting beautifully like a Queen ..Pedro is astonished, smiles & says Sultanam..
pedro asks het so how she remembered him ...as if there's any problem ..Mihrimah tells him that his ointment worked but now spots are also visible on her hands.. Pedro is surprised as he thought that his medicine will work so he says may be its bcz of something she ate, drank or used any fragrance ..flash back comes in Mihrimah's mind as she used a chemical to make the red spots visible just to see Pedro again ...
Mihrimah says yes it could be the reason ..Pedro tells her that he has made another ointment for her so he will apply that on her skin...pedro takes off his bag..takes out his stuff & Mihrimah is starring at him with her naughty eyes & smile , pedro looks at her too & hesitates a little ... he starts applying his ointment on her hands through brush..
Gracia is talking Sulieman about sharklain & some political stuff.. Hurrem irritates says that women should stay away from politics especially when they on table so theres no need to talk about politics..Gracia Apologizes for that ...Says Sulieman that she is very much grateful to him for what he did for her & wants him to take her in his protection from now on... Hurrem is starring at Sulieman ...Sulieman smiles..
Zal is talking to rustem about the letter that lala mustafa has sent to hurrem Sultan telling her about the recent incident happened between selim & Beyazit ... Rustem asks why he wasn't told about that... Zal tells when the letter came here he sent to Edirna to hurrem Sultan ..
Agha infront Rustem that pedro is with Mihrimah in her room for her treatment ..Rustem is highly shocked ...
