Earn in Dollars


Episode 309-
A concubine is
prepared for Sultan's room and Melek gives tip to the guardian in order to let
her enter in Sultan's room. Beyazit tells his mother what happened in the forest
with Selim and the robbers and the lies Selim said.. Suleiman is reading in his room and suddenly he hears a violin melody.
He hears that melody which was used to be played by
IBRAHIM & that he played for him for the last time in his balcony years ago..
This makes him feel very much hurt and the pain is visible on his face..
With difficulty he gets up and goes to the balcony to see who is playing the violin...
He sees Ibrahim's daughter, Hurijahan
in the balcony of
khazeena's room and the pain in his heart makes him feel more & more hurt...
He can not stand and twists and his face twitchs of pain so he goes back in his room...
Unlike the pain of Suleiman on the upper balcony, we see erotic thrill in the lower
Balcony, fascinated by the beauty of music and Hurijahan's beauty as well, Shehzade Beyazit is there,remain to admire her..
The concubine for Suleiman, becomes food for fish in the
Bosphorus sea (they killed her), by Hurrem Sultan's order and thus she never gets into Suleiman's bed...
In Manisa, Kanfeda kalfa tells Nur Banu that he persuaded Gazanfer agha and will sent her for khalvet to Selim... Selim is the market as a dealer and asks to learn the point of view of the people in Manisa about shehzade selim (himself) .
Unfortunately they all say how they would like Shehzade Mustafa in his place or even they could have send Shehzade Beyazit, hez intelligent, brave, and a hard working Prince BUT that Selim is going to sink the empire if he becomes a Sultan because he is an alcoholic addicted person who always like to relax with his concubines...
Selim gets angry & then hits him and when that trader attacks him with knife, Selim's soldiers kill him in front of Selim's fearful eyes...
& that poor trader died bcz of Selim....
Fatma sultan meets Rustem and advises him not to work so hard and neglect his wife, in order to avoid things that happened to others.
Afifa khatun tells Hurrem that Fatma sultan asked a concubine to be send
to sultan again, although the previous one was disappeared.
She adds that she maybe
has stayed silent for many years but the rules of the harem have to be applied
and the traditions to be continued.
They must send a concubine to sultan....
Hurrem then furious screams that as long as she breathes, another woman will never enter in Sultan’s private room!!
Yahya discovers the traitor who is spying them under the orders of Rustem...
Mah e dora fearful shouts that they should take his head but Mustafa answers
that they wont hurt him... They will let him send messages to Rustem, but he will send the messages they want and choose to be send.
Suleyan and Hurrem discuss
and Hurrem tells him that she would like to talk to him about something she has
on her mind.
She starts to tell him that she is in an aged woman now that she can’t give any
longer birth to other successors of the dyanasty, but Suleyman stops her.... Hurrem goes on and tells him that if he wishes she will order Afifa khatun to choose the most beautiful concubine for him... Suleyman looks at her with admiration because she
puts the future of the dynasty in so high priority... Beyazit visits Hurijahan to her room and tells her that he heard her ,playing violin during the night and he admires her patience to learn violin.
She answers that she also admires him because he can
paint and they both promise to each other to teach one another, painting and music...
In manisa, Nurbanu gets ready for khalvet but Selim is in a filthy situation, as he feels guilty about what happened in the market that a person died bcz of him and refuses any visitor in his room...
Hurijahan asks Fatma sultan to guide her in her father’s room and Fatma tells her to be patient and not to forget the purpose for which they came to the palace.
Fatma remembers her meeting with Mustafa before they arrived to the palace and all the things he said to her.
They agreed to work together in order to get rid of
Hurrem and Rustem... Mustafa told her that they should turn against Rustem first, and a woman is necessary for that purpose. Fatma realised that he meant her....
Fatma gives Hurijahan her father's (Ibrahim) diary, telld her that it was with Shah sultan, she gave it to her for you (hurijahan) ..hurijahan gets excited to have her father's diary ...
Mera Sultan Episode 309 - Part 1 by paktvdaily
Mera Sultan Episode 309 - Part 2 by paktvdaily