Earn in Dollars


Episode 294-
Mehmet seems
to be worried and Suleiman asks him what is going on. Mehmet says that he did
not want Mustafa brother to leave Manisa where everybody loves him...that he feels like
he throws him away. Suleiman tells him that when you commands, it is
impossible everybody be happy and sometimes you have to be tough.
In the campaign, Mehmet meets the soldier Ilyas who says that he has transferred to Manisa and swears servant and faithful to him. Shehzade Mustafa learns
that Hurrem left for Konya without informing him and asks from Yahya to turn
her back for safety. Mihrimah begs him not to do it because Selim asked for it.
Rustem tells Mehmet not to be worried about his new position in Manisa and
that he will always support him.
Rustem is upset seeing a letter delivered to Bali
Bey and goes to his scene requiring Bali Bey to tell him who sent the letter.
Matrakchi tells Rustem that Sultan asks for him.
When Rustem leaves, Bali Bey tells Matrakchi that the letter is from his brother but Rustem thought it is from
Ilyas offers Shehzade Mehmet as a gift the wooden horse that he made.
Suleiman lone in his scene thinks of Hurrem and writes poem..
Queen Isabella thanks Sultan who saved her and her son from the hands of Ferdinand and kisses sultan's hand.
Sultan says that her husband Zapolya was always loyal to him so it would be impossible for him not to help her.
Sultan proclaims her son as a Legal Crown Prince
and until he grows up Boudin will be under Ottoman administration. Mihrimah scared goes to Shehzade Mustafa and tells him that a letter arrived written by Selim saying
that he has never been sick and that their mother never went to Konya.
She is terrified ,asks Shehzade Mustafa where is her mother, ( evil mihrimah is suspecting Shehzade mustafa for her mother being lost )
Merjan agha says to Shah sultan that Hurrem
never arrived in Konya and Shah says they must quickly learn what is happening
and to find her.
Mah e dora is surprised when she learns about it and wonders
who did something like that. Shah asks khazeena where Hurrem is and she replies
that Hurrem is in Konya. Afifa khatun concerns about Hurrem and Mihrimah reassures her that her mother is alive.
Afifa khatun hopes sultan returns soon in order to find
Mustafa asks his mother if she is related to the disappearance of Hurrem
and Mah e dora refuses .. Mihrimah goes to the palace and asks Shah what did
they did to her mother and Shah tells her to take care of her words.
Mihrimah replies that she (Shah) is the one who should watch out, as the daughter of the
Sultan is in front of her. When khazeena sultan comes says Mihrimah to be careful how she talks to them because she will regret it soon.
Mihrimah replies that they will regret it just her father returns and discover it. Sultan returns to the capital and meets Shehzade Mustafa.
Mustafa greets him and tells him that they do not know where Hurrem
Sultan is...that she began to travel to Konya but never arrived. Suleiman stays
Sultan goes to the reception hall, where all his family is gathered.
He asks Afifa khatun to take away jahangir and he sends out the concubines.
When he asks
how did Hurrem disappear, evil Mihrimah tells him about the trap that was set for her mother, with the fake letter from Selim and all the lies about his illness. Evil Mihrimah directly accuses the sultanas for being responsible for her mother’s abduction....
