Earn in Dollars


Episode 292-
Hürrem meets Shah sultan & she says that she feels sorry for her that sultan dismissed lutfu pasha & shah says that it was her own decision to dismiss lutfu pasha so dont get happy that she (hürrem) did this & that she can destroy her (hürrem) without lutfu ...
Sultan appoints the new Grand Vizier Suleyman Pasha and Rustem is socked by Sultan’s decision . 
When Suleyman
is left alone with his new Grand Vizier, tells suleiman pasha that he wants to entrust him a mission that has to do with Shehzade Mustafa...
Khizar raees goes to Manisa to bring Shehzade Mustafa to the capital, after Sultan’s
He finds Shehzade Mustafa successfully practicing in archery and notices that his
enemies are not stable targets to hit them so easily..
Sumbul tells Rustem that
Hurrem is concerning about khizar raees’s mission in Manisa, even if he is ordered by Sultan, as she thinks that khair raees has great power and supports Shehzade Mustafa. Rustem replies that Ibrahim pasha also had great power (and see where did
he end up),and adds that they did what they had to do. They threw the stone to
Mustafa and they hit him. Khizar raees tells Shehzade Mustafa that he is ordered by sultan, to accompany him to the capital and informs him that sultan knows his meeting with Ambassador Lazki.
Sultan lost in his thoughts, doesn’t realize that jahangir has entered his room..
He remembers Mustafa when he was a little
boy and Ibrahim advising him to be educated in order not to make mistakes as
he is successor to the throne.
Jahangir tells his father that he is happy for his
brother Mustafa visiting them, because he missed him so much.
Shah, khazeena and
Mah e dora are worried about the Sultan’s command to meet Mustafa.
The pashas are discussing and Rustem says to them that something must happened to Lazki, and this is the reason they haven’t heard any news from him. This comment annoys Husrev pasha.
Shehzade Mustafa's arrival is being announced and Rustem tells him that he is glad to see him. Shehzade Mustafa replies that he cannot say the same
for him bcz he is totally not happy to see him ...LOL!!..
Jahangir asks his father if they are going to visit his brothers when they
will go to rule the provinces but Suleyman rapt in his thoughts doesn’t respond to
him. Jahangir wipes his father’s sweat and tells him that when he feels sad and
doesn’t smile, then he himself loses his smile.
Mah e dora hears about the
divorce between Shah and Lutfu pashs and notices that this is something that gives
advantage to Hurrem.
Shah answers that this has nothing to do with Hurrem and that she should had divorced him a long time ago...
Mustafa meets his father, but Suleyman doesn’t pay any attention to him. Mustafa tells his father that he didn’t need to send khizar raees to bring him in front of him. If he had realized that
something bothered his father he would have come by himself.
He informs him
that he told Lazki that only Sultan decides about everything.
Suleyman stops him,
telling him that no matter what they said, it was a great mistake, that he
accepted meeting him. Matrakchi, khizar raees and Bali bey are concerned about Shehzade
Mustafa’s invitation to the capital since Lazki ran away from the country. They
consider that everything is planned by Rustem. Suleyman tells Mustafa that this is the third time he exceeded the limits of his position. He adds that they are preparing for a campaign and asks him to stay to the capital to protect the throne.
Mustafa is disappointed for not taking part in the campaign. Suleyman
goes on and informs him that when they will come back, he won’t return to
Manisa, as he has decided to appoint him to the sanjak of Amasya.
When Mustafa hears that he freezes. He asks Suleyman if he is being punished but
Suleyman answers that he sends him to Amasya because it's a very important
province as it borders with Safavid’s country and his experience is valuable.
Mustafa remembers and tells his father that one day he told him that as we get
older we lose our innocence but then he hadn’t understand the meaning of his words, but now he realizes very well that he has grown up and has lost his innocence.
Mustafa leaves the room and Suleyman stays on to think the last words of his son. Frustrated and upset breaks the pen he holds into his hands.
Mustafa leaves his father's room and tells to his mother to inform to gather his
personal things from Manisa and send to Amasya, because from now on, he was appointed as a governor in Amasya. Mahi e dora loses the ground beneath her
feet. She runs to Hurrem's room but Hurrem has locked the door and Mah e dora can not get in. Slamming the door in anger, she curses to pay for all the bad things she has done. Khizar raees, Matrakchi and Bali Bey learn from Suleiman
Pasha that Shehzade Mustafa is appointed in Amasya.
Khizar raees says it's bad decision and Rustem tells him not to judge the decisions of Sultan. Khizar raees admonishes him saying that he does not expect from a former stableman to tell
him what to do....and that Shehzade Mustafa may be send far away, but he is still the most beloved in the army and the powerful successor to the throne. When Mustafa
goes khazeena's palace, he remembers Ibrahim pasha telling him to watch his behavior in order to ascend the throne, otherwise the throne will be ruled by Hurrem.
Mustafa monologues that he will not allow this to happen.
Sultan calls Mehmet, Selim and Beyazit and announces that Mehmet will go along with him in the campaign and Selim with Beyazit will go to sanjak. Beyazit feels very happy
and says he will not embarrass his father. Mustafa tells khazeena sultan that Ibrahim pasha loved him so they killed him...that now he sees clearly what his future is From heaven
suddenly he is in hell.
Hurrem happy for her success on sending Mehmet to Manisa, shares sweets in the harem.
Mehmet tells Mihrimah that he is unhappy bcz
he is going to Manisa and that it is unfair for brother Mustafa who had the right to the throne.
Mihrimah tells him that the throne is his (Mehmet) right and advises him
to think what would be done if brother Mustafa would ascend the throne....that he would
kill all his brothers.
Mehmet gets very much angry and tells her that she speaks as her
mother and he does not like it bcz brother mustafa would never do such a thing...he loves us truly ...mihrimah says that our mother is just worried about us....
