Earn in Dollars


Episode 301-
Rustem meets Khizar raees and says they have long time to see him and
Khizar raees replies that there are enough idles wandering in the palace and he doesn't want to be one of them.. 
Rustem tells him that he doesn't care about this
anymore since he is the Grand Vizier and notes that khizar raees hasn't congratulated him yet, supposing that khizar raees didn't consider him worth of this position...
Khizar raeed tells him he does not doubt ever sultan Suleiman's wishes..
Talking about who will go to Manisa, khizar raees replies that he knows who is in his heart andnRustem tells him that no matter what, but who his Majesty has in his own heart...
Matrakchi is roaming in the bazaar & he is attacked by bandit, but in the end he finds out that this was
Shehzade Beyazit who wanted to make fun with him...  
Suleiman asks Hurrem if
everything is ready for the reception of princes and of shehzade Mustafa with Mah e dora sultan..
Then he asks about Jahangir and Hurrem says that he is upset for the upcoming
Suleiman then remembers when he learned that Jahangir has a humped back and instead to accept it, he allowed his child to be tortured, believing that he would be healed. 
Hurrem tries to console him by telling him that it is not his fault..
Suleiman says that although she accepted him as he is and loved him very much,
Allah punished him with Mehmet's death..
Sumbul agha urges Jahangir to try on the clothes for the ceremony and jahangir tells
him that anything he tries on, he will continue to be the humped back prince so nothing looks good on him, sad shehzade Jahangir leaves the room..
Fahriya kalfa complaints to Afifa khatun that the harem girls don’t work, these girls only whisper and wait to throw a glance to shehzade Beyazit & shehzade Selim.. 
Selim asks his mother why they all have been invited to the palace and Hurrem tells him that it is due to jahangir’s sword ceremony. Selim wonders who will rule Manisa and thinks that Mustafa brother will be
Hurrem says that she wants to see one of her own children in the
sancak that leads to the throne. 
Janissaries ask shehzade Mustafa to permit them to
accompany him to the capital and shehzade Mustafa answers to them that it is his honor,
but he says to Yahya that what is happening is no good at all and he wishes that his father wouldn’t be informed about this, as he can't deny and show disrespect to thousands of soldiers.. 
When Shehzade Beyazit arrives at the palace, all heram girls gather to see him.. 
Hurrem welcomes Beyazit.. He offers her mother a jewel telling her that it is unique like she is, and tells
Mihrimah that he also has a present for her..
Beyazit and Selim hug each other and Mihrimah wants to know details about her present.. 
Beyazit tells her by making his voice funny like sumbul agha that "Sumbul agha didn’t let him to bring it inside the palace and smiling, reminds her of the horse she liked when she had visited him in his sanjak"... 
Mihrimah laughs & delightful runs into Beyazit's arms & he grabs her, moves her round & round  .... (mihrimah laughing) ...
Mihrimah tells Rustem that Beyazit is the one who should go to rule Manisa, ( Mihrimah supports Beyazit ) not Mustafa brother.. Rustem assures her that Shehzade Mustafa will not go to Manisa and Mihrimah is surprised. 
She warns him that whoever hurts Mustafa brother will have to do with her. 
Rustem answers that he didn’t mean it this way... Rustem is informed by an Agha that Shehzade Mustafa has arrived at the palace, accompanied by the
Mustafa meets his brothers, jahangir is very happy to see him & he hugs him so as Beyazit & selim...
Hurrem gets upset when she finds out that Mah e dora also arrived
together with shehzade Mustafa, and wonders how she had such an audacity... Mihrimah promises her that one day she will make her pay, she will drown her into her brother’s blood... 
Sumbul agha informs Hurrem that Rustem pasha wants to meet her..

Mera Sultan Episode 301 - Part 1 by paktvdaily