Earn in Dollars


Episode 271-
Lutfu pasha congratulates Shah sultan, but he tells
her that Hurrem will again find a way again to slip away, something that makes shah angry. Lutfu adds that she (Shah) soon will be in a unpropitious position in front of Sultan, as the same happened to khazeena sultan . He emphasizes that this will happen
because the heart of Sultan is, from a long time ago, hitten by the arrows of love
and he always forgives his beloved wife about everything.
Hurrem silently greets her children and leaves for Adrianople. Sahra khatun tells khazeena that the woman she saw in her
dream, will lead her to Ibrahim pasha’s grave & if she is saying that she doesnt know then that woman is lying.. Later Nigar tells khazeena that Hurrem leaves for
Adrianople, following sultan’s order, without her children. Khazeena believes that
she will return once again without being punished.. When Nigar denies knowing
anything about Ibrahim’s grave, khazeena orders a guard to follow her and watch every move she makes. Tashlij ali yahya and shehzade Mustafa are being concerned because
sultan hasn’t answered about the shipyard. Yahya informs Shehzade Mustafa that Vasco da
Gama’s son, having taken advantage of khizar raees’s absence, seized an
Ottoman ship.. Ayshe and Rumeysa argue..Ayshe says that she knows that she (Rumeysa) lied to them that she danced on mah e dora sultan's order, so dont try to get close to Shehzade mustafa bcz she is watching her...
Mah e dora asks Mustafa not to intervene in the case of the ship and Mustafa tells her that she has to care only for the harem and she mustn’t interfere in such matters.
Mah e dora furious tells
him that he must follow the rules. The "snake" (Hürrem) that hangs around his father would
take the chance, if he only makes a mistake..So he should abide by the rules..its for his own good. . Hurrem arrives at Adrianople and
Rustem is surprised seeing her coming. Shah and Gulfem watch Hurrem's arrival of
the window and Gulfem believes that Hurrem will save herself once again. Shah
says that she has no proof about her claims. Hurrem meets Suleiman and
welcomes him, but when she tries to approach him, suleiman stops her, raising his hand
and saying that they should talk firstly. He shows her the document with her
signature, indicating that she borrowed money from a Venice. He tells her that
Shah's carriage was attacked through the road to Adrianople, by her own orders
and asks if this is all true. Rustem learns from diana about the incident and
says she should have warned him to intervene. If Sultan has the document in
his hands, it is too late. Hurrem explained to Suleiman, that she had been in a
trouble and borrowed money, but the money was stolen. Suleiman asks her why
she did not accept Shah's help and Hurrem tells him that she (Shah) have done this
just to humiliate her in front of the harem. Suleiman asks her how she can get a
loan from a woman that her country was at war with them and did not accept the
loan from his sister. Hurrem totally lies that she didn't know that the woman was Venetian ... LOL!!
and had no time to search for it....that she wanted to take the document back
giving money, but the woman disappeared..
Suleiman then tells her that she also attacked Shah's carriage in order to stole the document, as the thieves did
not steal jewelery. Hurrem tells him that Shah sultan lied to the thieves. Hurrem
approaches him telling him that she lives only for him, and that everything is lies
by those who want them separate. Hurrem
embraces him hoping that he would believe her, he would bend and her action
wouldn't have impact to him. Suleiman accepts the hug and squeezes longingly
over him. Longing and pain just for his decision.!!!! When sultan draws away her hug, looks at her
saying that once khazeena hurt herself saying that Hurrem was the reason, but he
did not believe her, even though khazeena was right. Sultan tells to the guards to get ready
to leave for the istanbul and looking to Hurrem tells her that she will stay at
Adrianople... Hurrem is shocked.. When Mehmet and Selim ask why she does not go
with them, she says that she doesn't feel well and soon will travel near them.
Rustem queries and asks details of their departure from Bali Bey, who replies
that this is Sultan's order. Rustem is annoyed and reminds him that he speaks
in a pasha.. Bali Bey then tells him ironically that he knows who he is, as what he
has done until now..  .. Diana tells Hurrem that Rustem will take care to find Siniora
Portia personally, as he said. Shah sultan comes in & says goodbye to Hurrem & says her that this is just the beginning of her downfall....
