Earn in Dollars


Please Note that GDB of It430 will be launched on 13th of February 2014 (13-Feb-2014) and will last for 48 hours only.
The topic will be as follows:

As you know that the “Advertising” is an effort to publicize information in order to achieve a buyer and seller transaction. There are different ways of marketing which can be categorized as Traditional marketing and Direct marketing to personalize advertising in order to make it more effective.

Let’s say that the Marketing and advertising department of two laptop manufacturing companies i.e. BXC technologies & LKS technologies, want to get best sale of Laptops. The Marketing manager of  BXC Technologies adopts Traditional Marketing strategy and on the other hand the Marketing manager of LKS technologies adopts Direct marketing i.e. Telemarketing and so on.

In your view point, which Company will get good response from the customers in following perspective?

Quick revenue generation through sale.
Convincing customers to buy laptops rapidly.
Getting good publicity

Solution of GDB: 

Traditional Marketing refers to marketing method, that emphasise mainly on the 'Four Ps' principles. It comprises of Product, Price, Promotion and Place. A marketer has to consider the 'Four Ps,' before launching a product or offering a service.
Direct Marketing
A form of advertising in which physical marketing materials are provided to consumers in order to communicate information about a product or service. Direct marketing does not involve advertisements placed on the internet, on television or over the radio. Types of direct marketing materials include catalogs, mailers and fliers.
Direct marketing removes the "middle man" from the promotion process, as a company's message is provided directly to a potential customer. This type of marketing is typically used by companies with smaller advertising budgets, since they cannot afford to pay for advertisements on television and often do not have the brand recognition of larger firms.
